Gabriella again! For this week’s blog post, we are going to look at “main character energy”: what is it, what does it mean, and how you can use it.
If you’re a member of Gen Z (like me, woohoo!) or you’re on TikTok, you’ve likely heard the term “main character” used as an adjective. Though the term has been thrown around for some time, Twitter and TikTok user @lexapro_lesbian posted the first known “main character”-style video on TikTok that popularized the trend. In the video, the user recorded herself singing about how she walks around her neighborhood like she is the main character.
Some renditions of this trend are humorous… “drinking wine out of a wine glass & looking over the balcony so everyone on the beach knows i’m the main character” - @laurenisoversharing via TikTok
And some are more heartfelt… “You have to start romanticizing your life. You have to start thinking of yourself as the main character because if you don’t — life will continue to pass you by. And all the little things that make it so beautiful will continue to go unnoticed. So take a second, and look around and realize that it’s a blessing for you to be here right now.” - @danielle_carolan via TikTok
Cliche as it may be, there’s something really powerful about “Main Character Energy” (aka MCE, which is how I’ll refer to it in this post).
If you attended Dr. David Song’s talk last Friday, you’ll know that MCE was a theme he discussed heavily. Dr. Song said “You're always going to be the main character… The main character will always win because there's no reason for anyone to read a story with a man if he loses the end. That'd be a travesty. I'd be upset and demand a refund of my money immediately… I firmly believe you've survived 100% of your bad days, your tough days, like your deadlines, whatever. There's no reason for that not to continue… I just always believe that there's like just a guiding force in the universe… You fail an exam? No problem. Maybe like that's for the best… because if you didn't [then you wouldn’t have met] a romantic interest. You don't know how it works out for you. But just trust. Everything happens for the best. It's so cliche but I'm pretty sure that's why even when I am on call every third day for like 30 hours at a time, it doesn't really bother me because this is the character development [in my story]. This is the part in the movie with training camp and everyone is getting their butts kicked like over and over again. [Mulan! #iykyk] (Yeah, extremely fire song. Like one of the best songs of all time.)... But it ends up working out because the good guys win in the end… and you are the good guy in your own story. (And if you're not, don't tell me that, because I want to have a positive impression of all of you guys)... I just refuse to believe that things won’t work out. And because I am the main character in my storyline, I know who is writing my story.”
To me, MCE means romanticizing your life, taking your life into your own hands, and appreciating the big and the small moments. When you think of yourself as the main character in your story, your obstacles become opportunities to learn and grow. This isn’t to say that you’re not allowed to struggle, you are and you should, but following that struggle, it is encouraging to look back and appreciate what you have overcome. So treasure the small moments in life, embrace challenge, and know everything happens for a reason because you have BIG MAIN CHARACTER ENERGY (#bmce).
You only live once, so fall in love with your life.
Watch Dr. David Song’s talk here! (PW: Bi4V%#z1)